As if this day couldn’t get any worse, as if women around the world weren’t already feeling simultaneously enraged and deflated after Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh’s testimonies in Washington yesterday, and nursing an emotional hangover the likes of which we haven’t collectively experienced since November 9, 2016, today Hedi Slimane presented his first collection for Celine. I suppose it makes some sort of twisted poetic sense that today was the day a fashion label beloved by women for its feminism, its eccentricity, its rich and nuanced understanding of how smart, accomplished women wanted to dress was laid to rest. At the hands of a man, no less. The Céline we knew and loved, led by a strong-willed and endlessly fascinating Phoebe Philo, is gone and what we have in its stead is a far cry from an intuitive manifestation of the way women want to dress. Slimane’s Celine is how men want women to dress. It’s barely-there mini dresses, it’s swinging and sparkly skirts, it’s s...