What is the web-o-sphere angry about this week? From yet another instance of cultural appropriation at the hands of a Kardashian to eyebrow-raising words from the Dalai Lama, here’s everything you need to know: Kim Kardashian Announces New Innerwear Line Called Kimono THE STORY: Earlier this week Kim Kardashian revealed her new line of shapewear—sorry, “solutionwear”—for different sizes and skin tones, perplexingly named Kimono. It was reported soon after that Kardashian had applied for a trademark of the word “kimono” (as well as “Kimono Body,” “Kimono World,” and “Kimono Intimates.”) In a matter of hours, Twitter was flooded with outraged posts protesting the line, hashtagged #KimOhNo. THE REACTION: Nice underwear, but as a Japanese woman who loves to wear our traditional dress,👘 kimono, I find the naming of your products baffling (since it has no resemblance to kimono), if not outright culturally offensive, especially if it’s merely a word play on your name. Pls reconsider...