Lady Gaga released the video to her new single Three weeks ago, Lady Gaga’s first single from her upcoming sixth album Chromatica was accidentally released online. Now, we’ve got a music video to go along with the track, titled “Stupid Love.” In typical Gaga fashion, there’s nothing subtle about the sci-fi-meets-pop video, which opens with her and a crew of backup dancers in head-to-toe pink futuristic outfits dancing in a desert. (Fun fact: the entire video is shot on an iPhone 11 Pro.) As for the album itself, Gaga told Apple Music’s Zane Lowe that she was “miserable, sad, depressed” and “cried constantly” through the process of making it. Yet, amidst the sadness there’s joy to be found. “We are definitely dancing,” she said. Taylor Swift directed and produced her new music video Gaga’s not the only pop star who debuted a new video this week. Taylor Swift dropped the video for her new single “The Man,” which calls out male executives in the music industry (in a nod to Scooter ...