Last night, actress Olivia Munn posted a “ short essay ” on Twitter blasting fashion bloggers Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan of Go Fug Yourself for their “ugly behaviours.” Before we get into the what and why of this misguided rant, it must be stated that Munn’s letter was in direct response to something the two women, who go by The Fug Girls on Twitter , wrote about a recent outfit Munn wore to an event. That said, there’s a lot to unpack here. Though she’s responding to a personal slight, Munn attempts to cloak her statement in righteous rage on behalf of feminism and civility. “For years, fashion-policing celebrity has been an accepted mainstream media critique, even though it mainly focuses on females and not men, which ultimately contributes to the perpetual minimization of women and propagates the idea that our worth is predominantly (or singularly) tied to our looks,” writes Munn, adding that blogs like Go Fug Yourself (which we’ll refer to as GFY going forward) are at the ...